Desiccant Dryer
At SMC Pneumatics, we have just the desiccant drier and complementary parts that your system needs. Browse our solenoid cables, filters, and more to keep the water vapor out of your compressed air! Our online store only stocks the best, and we know exactly what will maintain your ambient air.
Managing Your Dry Air
Air compressors work by using the natural air around us. We call this ambient air, though the layman’s term may be thin air. The machine draws it in and places the air in an enclosed space. The molecules, as a result, get pressed together and build pressure. Then the air is funneled through the machine to power it, via valves and cylinders. For this reason, pneumatics is fairly inexpensive, safe and renewable. The same air we breathe will not cause explosions from electric fires, or cost as much as hydraulic fluid might.
One problem, however, is that a good amount of natural air contains water vapor. This water vapor makes us feel the humidity on hot days and condenses into rainfall when the clouds gather. Even though it belongs in the atmosphere, it can cause water damage in a machine that relies on gas molecules to generate energy. If that damage happens, then your machine or its parts at least will have a much shorter shelf life.
Rust is one such issue. Many pneumatic machines rely on metal, and water can cause unwanted oxidation. Rust means that the metal suffers more wear, and it’s more likely to become unusable. We know this from ordinary everyday devices, but in pneumatics, the process can become even more tedious.
Rusted metal also moves less, which in turn puts more strain on your machine. You would rather avoid this scenario if possible, and maintain constant energy efficiency.
Clogging, freezing, and corrosion are other worst-case scenarios that may ensue. Water vapor can cause all three if you lack the parts to handle it correctly. The obstacles will also drastically increase your operational costs in manufacturing.
Clogging would ensue if the water, along with other dissolved particles, interferes with opening and closing of valves, or prevents cylinders from rotating. The valves and rotating cylinders then have to work harder to obtain the same result.
Freezing would occur if working conditions are cold — this can occur say in say cold warehouses or plants. If the water freezes, then the controls may become less manageable, which in turn adds to machine strain.
With corrosion, your parts will slowly become worn down. When your gauges try to measure air pressure or such, the results will become skewed. In the worst-case scenario, the pneumatic processes may shut down entirely with excessive corrosion.
You may also have water removing paints, lubrication, or other colored surfaces. Does this seem like merely an aesthetic problem? Not necessarily. Lubricating oils are used to make sure all the parts work in tandem without chafing each other. If water washes them away, then obviously you will get more potential jams and malfunctions.
The paints would act as a protective layer from other outside elements. When you lose the paint, then you lose that layer, and more damage can ensue. That will not help the machines used for industrial applications.
How To Get Dried Compressed Air
A desiccated air dryer focuses on removing the water vapor from your machine, to avoid any of the problems mentioned above. Get rid of the water, and you reduce the likelihood of corrosion, clogging, rust, or freezing.
In addition, a dryer cleans the air of particles that would clog your machine. The same technology that traps water vapor will also trap the particles. In addition to getting rid of an inconvenient element, you also make the workplace cleaner.
Before entering the necessary valves and chambers for the pneumatic cylinder, the machine has the air enter a dryer tower, Most dryers use active alumna or silica gel to trap the water vapor.
Types of Compressed Air Dryers
Your pneumatic system’s size will determine the type of dryer you need. If you are working with dental tools, for example, your drier needs to be small enough to fit into a tool that will go into a human’s mouth. In the case of people working with pneumatic systems in factories, you need a larger drier to handle the larger amount of compressed air.
Temperature is a factor; you have to decide how cold you want the compressed air to be. We call this the dew point. Different dryers can enact different dew points, depending on how much energy you need to exert to lower the temperature to an ideal functioning threshold.
Finally, you need to decide if you want a dryer that uses active alumina or silica gel. The two elements are used in different types of dryers; while silica gel assists with cartridge dryers, active alumina is used in a heatless dryer. Each has its tradeoffs and costs.
One benefit of active alumina is that it can be recharged and reused, reducing the amount of waste. Within the drying towers, a small portion of dry air has its pressure increased and is used to absorb the water vapor, drawing it to the surface.
Silica gel serves as an important barometer for determining the condition of your cartridge, due to its changing color when it has worn out its stay. The cartridge serves as a filter, through which the air flows. It catches the vapor and particles. When the cartridge is too clogged, it will notify you through the color change.
Get The Right Type Of Dryer At SMC Pneumatics
At SMC Pneumatics, we want to help you get the best possible desiccant dryer for your machine. We want to help you remove water vapor that could potentially damage your machine, and find the appropriate model.
Get in contact with us today. Our experts will get you fitted with the right device, and keep your pneumatic system pristine for years to come. Feel free to ask for our help, to get the water out of the solenoid valves.