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International Order Requirements
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Cylinder Speed VS. CV
Cylinder Bore
Size (In.)
Cylinder Speed
(Inches per Second)
6 12 18 24 30 36 48 60
5/16" .004 .007 .010 .014 .018 .020 .028 .035
7/16" .007 .014 .021 .028 .035 .042 .056 .070
9/16" .012 .024 .036 .048 .060 .072 .096 .120
3/4" .020 .040 .060 .080 .100 .120 .160 .200
7/8" .028 .056 .084 .112 .140 .168 .224 .280
1" .036 .072 .108 .144 .180 .216 .288 .360
1-1/16" .014 .082 .123 .164 .205 .246 .328 .410
1-1/8" .046 .093 .140 .186 .232 .280 .372 .460
1-1/4" .056 .113 .170 .226 .282 .340 .452 .560
1-1/2" .082 .164 .246 .328 .410 .490 .656 .820
2" .145 .290 .435 .580 .725 .870 1.160 1.450
2-1/2" .230 .460 .690 .920 1.150 1.380 1.840 2.300
3" .330 .660 .990 1.320 1.650 1.980 2.640 3.300
3-1/4" .385 .770 1.160 1.540 1.920 2.300 3.080 3.850
4" .585 1.170 1.750 2.340 2.930 3.510 4.680 5.850
5" .915 1.830 2.750 3.660 4.580 5.500 7.320 9.150
6" 1.320 2.630 3.940 5.260 6.580 7.900 10.520 13.200