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NVEP, Electro-Pneu Proportional Valve, Pressure Style, North American
A proportional control valve system provides the ability to infinitely control the position of the internal spool assembly which increases or decreases the amount of flow or pressure being released from the valve. SMC offers 2 types of proportional control valves, a pressure type (N)VEP which controls secondary pressure by varying the current through the solenoid, and a flow rate type (N)VEF which controls air flow by varying current through the solenoid.
VEP, Electro-Pneu Proportional Valve, Pressure Style, Metric
A proportional control valve system provides the ability to infinitely control the position of the internal spool assembly which increases or decreases the amount of flow or pressure being released from the valve. SMC offers 2 types of proportional control valves, a pressure type (N)VEP which controls secondary pressure by varying the current through the solenoid, and a flow rate type (N)VEF which controls air flow by varying current through the solenoid.